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_Saving and Loading Presets_MK4

Each Makito X Series device is configured by users' selecting and setting values of applicable encoder or decoder settings, such as Video and Audio Encoder, Streaming Output, and (if licensed) Metadata settings; or Decoder Output and Stream settings. Presets provide a way for you to save groups of settings and recall these configurations settings to apply to other streams.

Configuration settings saved as the "startup" preset will continue to be used after a reboot, or when the unit is turned off and on. You can also direct the system to apply a preset to restore settings when the system startup process performs the configuration autoload.


Presets do not include System Administration (e.g., Network) or Security settings. 

The Preset Manager displays a list of saved presets. From here you can load, rename, duplicate, or delete a saved preset, as well as view the contents of a preset file and select a preset to load at startup.

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