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_License Request procedure_MX4

To acquire a new license, please contact your Authorized Reseller or Haivision at: Indicate the appropriate feature SKU and provide the hardware serial number (or list of numbers in the case of multiple devices) to which it applies.

The license is delivered by email as a plain-text ASCII license file with the extension .lic to be installed on your Makito X Series appliance.

You may install and manage licenses from the Web interface or from the CLI using the license command. Both methods allow you to view the content and status (valid/invalid) of the license file to confirm the ordered features.

The licensing of the unit will survive a factory reset and upgrade of the firmware.

This section provides instructions to install a license from the Web interface as well as view current licenses on your system.


Do not delete existing licenses before uploading the new license.
New licenses are typically add-ons to complement the base license. You should only delete existing licenses if instructed to do so by Haivision.

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