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The Delay section provides a graphical overview of how the SRT stream buffers are handling the traffic.

Makito X/X4 Encoder (SRT source device)

Makito X Encoder

Makito X4 Encoder

Makito X/X4 Decoder (SRT destination device)

Makito X Decoder

Makito X4 Decoder

Last X MinutesChoose a time frame (5 minutes, 60 minutes, or 24 hours) for the data to be displayed in the DELAYS and BANDWIDTH USED graphs.
Download CSV fileClick to download a CSV file.

Encoder Send BufferCheck this box to view a plot of the contents (in ms) of the encoder buffer over time (blue line in the Makito X graph and purple line in the Makito X4 graph).

Decoder Receive BufferCheck this box to view a plot of the contents (in ms) of the decoder buffer over time (blue line in the Makito X graph and purple line in the Makito X4 graph).
Round Trip TimeCheck this box to view a plot of the RTT value over time (white line in both graphs).
LatencyCheck this box to view a plot of the Latency value over time (orange line in the Makito X graphs and yellow line in the Makito X4 graphs).

What to look for:

  • The value for Buffer (blue or purple line) on the source device should normally not exceed the Latency value (orange or yellow line). If the Encoder Send Buffer spikes above the latency line, then increase the SRT Latency. You may see occasional spikes (with corresponding anomalies in the display). But if these are few and far between, and the impact on the display of the stream is tolerable, you may choose to ignore these spikes as you tune the stream parameters.
  • Ideally, the destination device buffer level should be just below the latency value. If the Decoder Receive Buffer goes to 0 often, then there is most likely insufficient BW to support the desired bitrate (which should therefore be lowered). If the Decoder Receive Buffer only occasionally goes to 0, then the SRT Latency should be increased.
  • On the source device, if the Encoder Send Buffer often reaches or exceeds the Latency value, then there is most likely insufficient bandwidth to support the desired bitrate (which should therefore be lowered). If the Encoder Send Buffer only occasionally goes to or above the Latency value, then the SRT Latency should be increased.
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