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Using the Intercom

The Intercom function allows you to communicate with the Master Control Room, using a microphone or a headset connected to the unit. You can manage the Intercom function from the StreamHub interface.

  1. Connect the headset or microphone to the unit.
  2. From the StreamHub interface, start the Intercom session (please refer to the StreamHub User Guide).

The intercom session is indicated by the icon

Headset icon
on the front panel or web interface:

To adjust your microphone/headset volume levels from the Unit Panel or from the Web Interface, see the tabs below: 

Unit Panel
  1. From the Home menu, tap
    Settings icon
    SDI icon
  2. In the Intercom or the Bluetooth section, tap
    Plus icon
    Minus icon
    to move the slider.
Web Interface
  1. In the sidebar, click Streaming > Input/Output.
  2. Click and drag the Microphone and Speaker sliders to adjust the microphone and headset volumes for wired and/or Bluetooth intercoms.
    Intercom Levels
  3. Click the Apply button.

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