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Safety and Health Precautions

Handling the Unit

  • To avoid any injury during the installation, observe local health and safety requirements and guidelines for manual material handling.
  • The unit must be handled carefully and thoughtfully to prevent safety hazards and damage.

Servicing the Unit

  • Only trained and approved service engineers are permitted to service this unit.
  • Unauthorized maintenance or the use of non-approved replacements may affect the unit specifications and invalidate any warranties.

Electronic and Radio Interference

  • To avoid any interference with electronic devices contained in vehicles, keep the unit away from the vehicle's dashboard.
  • When connected to wireless networks (3G/4G/5G or Wi-Fi), the unit emits microwaves that can interfere with other electronic devices.

  • The operation of this equipment in a residential environment could cause radio interference.

Safety Precautions

  • Do not use the unit in any place where the use of mobile phones is usually banned: airplanes, hospitals, and areas with potentially explosive atmosphere (e.g. gas stations, repair shops, fuel or chemical storage areas).
  • In accordance with IEC 62368-1:2014 standard, devices must be connected to PS2 power sources. Consequently, only PD2 type external batteries must be used. Pro Series devices are delivered with a design PS2 type power block.

Coin Battery Safety Precautions

  • Lithium battery (ref: BR1225A)
  • There is a risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an incorrect type.

Health Precautions

Operating the unit is not recommended for:

  • People with electronic implants (e.g. pacemakers, insulin pumps, implanted pulse generators, hearing aids).
  • Pregnant women, old people, children, teenagers and people suffering from epilepsy.

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