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Deleting Files from the SD Card


Ensure that the SD card is not locked.

You can delete files from the SD card via either the unit panel, the web interface, or an FTP client.

Unit Panel
  1. From the Home menu, tap
    Settings icon
    SD Card icon
    > Delete.
  2. Tap the files you want to delete and tap
    Trash icon
  3. Tap Yes to confirm.
Web Interface
  1. Select Media from the sidebar, the SD Card files will be listed on the Media page, as in the following example: 


    If the Hot Folder function is enabled, the icon looks like
  2. You can:

    Select one or several files to be deleted.

    1. Click the checkboxes of the files to be deleted
    2. Click Delete.

    Select all files. 

    1. Click the checkbox in the table header to select all. 
    2. Click Delete
  1. Select files stored in the Hot Folder: 

    1. Click Hot Folder.
    2. Enter priority or standard folder to select files to be deleted.
    3. Click Delete
FTP Client

SD card files can be deleted from an FTP client with the following credentials:

  • Username: sdcard
  • Password: sdcard

FTP Client

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