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Starting a Record


Ensure that a SD card is inserted before starting a record. This SD card must not be in read-only (or locked) mode.

You may start a record via the unit panel or the web interface.

Unit Panel

To start a record:

  1. Turn the wheel to select
    Record icon
  2. Press the wheel to enter the RECORD menu.
    When turning the wheel to the right, the RECORD menu displays additional information:

    Selected Record Profile
    Auto-forward(OFF/ON) Toggle Switch
    Selected Destination Profile
    • To select another Record profile:

      1. Turn the wheel to highlight the Record Profile (
        Record icon
      2. Press the wheel and turn to select the required profile.
      3. Press the wheel to confirm the choice.
    • To modify the Auto-forward mode:

      1. Turn the wheel to highlight the Auto-forward field.

      2. Press the wheel to switch the toggle button and enable or disable Auto-forward.

    • To select another destination profile:

      1. Turn the wheel to highlight the destination profile (

        Destination icon

      2. Press the wheel and turn to select the required profile.

      3. Press the wheel to confirm.

  3. Turn the wheel to the left to make sure that

    Record icon
    is highlighted and press the wheel to start the record.
    The video preview appears on screen.

    Audio bars indicating audio levels
    Record duration

  4. Turn the wheel to the left to display some indications about the recording:

    Remaining recording time possible on SD card
    Space used on SD
    Source Standard

    In case of a Record and simultaneous Forward, another screen appears when you click on the unit panel:

    Amount and percentage of data already forwarded (if option enabled)
    Network bitrate
    Record duration

To stop the record:

  1. Turn the wheel to the right.
  2. Use the wheel to select 
    Record off icon
    > Stop Record.

To stop the forward:

  1. Turn the wheel twice to the right.
  2. Use the wheel to select
    Forward off icon
    > Stop Forward.
Web Interface

To start the Record:

  1. On the Dashboard, in the Streams section, click the

    Settings icon
    icon to check that the unit settings are configured and selected as required:


    If you enable the Auto-forward option, the video file is automatically forwarded during the record.
  2. Click the
    Record icon
    icon to start the Record.

To stop the Record:

  1. Click the
    Record off icon
    icon > Stop.

To stop the Forward:

  1. Click the
    Forward off icon
    icon > Stop.
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