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Starting a Forward

You can choose to forward the last record, a selection of records, or all files from the Unit Panel or from the Web Interface. See the tabs below.


Ensure a mass storage device, such as an SD card or a USB memory stick, is connected to the unit.

Unit Panel

From the Home menu, use the wheel to select

Forward icon
. To forward: 

The Last RecordSpecific FilesAll Files
  1. Use the wheel to select 
    Video icon
    The forward starts.
  1. Use the wheel to select 
    Selection box icon
  2. Select
    SD Card icon
    USB icon
    to open mass storage.
  3. Tick the files that you want to forward.
  4. Select 
    Forward icon
    to start the forward
    The forward starts.
  1. Use the wheel to select 
    Multiple videos icon
    The forward starts.
Web Interface
  1. In the sidebar, click Media.

    To forward the last recording, click the Forward button.
    To forward all files, click the Forward All button.
    To change the forward destination, click the 
    Settings icon
    icon under Destination.
    To forward specific files, click the checkbox next to each file you wish to forward under the storage device and click the Forward button.
  2. The 
    Forwarding icon
    icon indicates forwarding is in progress. To stop forwarding, click the
    Pause icon
    icon next to the progress bar.
    Forward In Progress
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