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Scanning for a Wireless Network

To scan for a wireless network from the Unit Panel, or from the Web Interface, see the sections below.

Unit Panel

  1. From the Home menu, click on
    > WiFi > Mode > Client
  2. Click on
    to scroll down and click on
    to scan surrounding networks.
  3. Click on
    to select a network.
  4. Click on the network name to select it.
  5. Enter the password and click on
    to confirm.
  6. Click on

Web Interface

  1. From the Web Interface, click
    on the Wi-Fi line.
  2. From the Mode scrolling list, select Client mode.
  3. Click on Apply
    Surrounded networks are scanned and listed.
  4. Select the network among the list.
  5. Enter the Password.
  6. Click on Join.

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