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Enabling / Disabling AES encryption

You can decide to encrypt a video during a Live operation, provided the destination server's license includes this option.

You can enable and disable the video AES encryption from the Unit Panel or the Web Interface.

Unit Panel

  1. From the Home menu, turn the wheel to select
  2. Turn the wheel to select the destination profile where the video is sent to and press the wheel to confirm.
  3. Turn the wheel to select
    > ADVANCED + > AES Encryption
  4. Press the wheel to enable or disable this option.
  5. If enabled, use the wheel to enter the AES key as defined in the destination server interface (please refer to the StreamHub User Guide).
  6. Turn the wheel to select
    and press it to confirm.

Web Interface

  1. Click Settings > Destination.
  2. Click the Destination Profile where the video is sent to.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Click
    to enable or disable the AES Encryption function. If enabled, enter the AES key as defined in the destination server interface (please refer to the Server User Guide).

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