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Deleting Files from the SD Card


Ensure that the SD card is not locked.

Unit Panel

  1. From the Home menu, turn the wheel to select
    > Delete
  2. You can:
    Select one or several files to delete:

    1. Turn the wheel and select files to be deleted.
    2. Long press the wheel to delete the selected files.

    Delete all files:

    1. Turn the wheel to the left and highlight the Select All option.
    2. Long press the wheel to delete all files.

    Select files stored in the Hot Folder:

    1. Turn the wheel to highlight Hot Folder.
    2. Press the wheel to enter the hot folder.
    3. Select the priority or standard folder.
    4. To select the files to delete, turn the wheel and press it.
    5. Long press the wheel to delete the selected files.

Web Interface

  1. On the menu bar, click the



    If the Hot Folder function is enabled, the icon looks like
  2. You can:
    Select one or several files to delete:

    1. Click the files to be deleted
    2. Click

    Select all files:

    1. Click the Name box. All files are selected.
    2. Click

    Select files stored in the Hot Folder:

    1. Click Hot Folder.
    2. Enter priority or standard folder to select files to be deleted.
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