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Adding a Record Profile

To add a Record Profile from the Unit Panel, or from the Web Interface, see the sections below. 

Unit Panel

  1. From the Home menu, turn the wheel to select
  2. Press the wheel again to create a new record profile.
  3. Press the wheel to enter the Profile Name field.
  4. Turn and press the wheel to select characters and compose a name.
  5. Select the 
    key and press the wheel to confirm the record profile name.
  6. Use the wheel to configure the Record profile settings:
    • File Format (Transport Stream, MP4)
    • Video settings (Encoder Type, Bitrate)
    • Audio Settings (Encoder Type, Channel Layout, Bitrate)
  7. Select
    and press the wheel to confirm the creation of the Record profile.

Web Interface

  1. Click Settings > Record.
  2. Click
  3. Enter a profile name in the Profile Name field.
  4. Choose between Transport Stream and MP4 for the File Format.
  5. Choose the video Encoder Type.


    For Air320e-5G only.

  6. Set the video Bitrate.
  7. Select the audio Channel Layout.
  8. Set the total audio Bitrate.
  9. Click Apply.

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