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Managing Priorities of Network Links

You can choose a priority level (High or Low) for each network link used for Live or Forward operations.

These priorities are managed as shown in the diagram below:

For Live

  • Both high and low priority links are used as long as the bitrate target set in the Live profile has not been reached.
  • When the bitrate target is reached, high priority links are mainly used.

For Forward

  • Both high and low priority links are used as long as the bitrate target is lower than 1Mbps.
  • When the bitrate target is lower than, low priority links are mainly used.

By default, each network link is set as a high priority link. This setting can be changed, either from the unit panel or from the Web Interface, before starting an operation or while the operation is in progress:

  • Unit panel: Select the priority level when configuring network links (see Configuring an Ethernet Interface).
  • Web interface: Click on the gauge icon to select High (
    ) or Low (
    ) priority.

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