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Configuring a Data Bridge

When configured in Data Bridge mode, the unit can be used as a Data Bridge that provides access to the Internet from the field, or access to devices connected to the transmitter LAN from the studio (e.g., remote control of the camera).

In this configuration, Live operation is still allowed, but Record and Forward operations are no longer available. Up to 10 client devices can connect simultaneously to the unit's local network. The Ethernet interface shall be configured in Gateway mode, see Configuring an Ethernet Interface.

To configure a unit as a Data Bridge, you must select the server that should be used (Destination Profile), and then enable Data Bridge mode. The selected server automatically allocates a license token to each Data Bridge that you enable.

Unit Panel

  1. From the Home menu, tap
  2. Tap the
    Destination field. A green dot (
    ) indicates the currently selected profile.
  3. Tap
    to scroll down the list of Destination Profiles.
  4. Select a Destination Profile.
  5. Tap
    to enable or
     to disable the option.

After the Data Bridge is configured, the

icon appears in the upper bar. If the connection is not possible, the
icon appears in the upper bar.

Web Interface

  1. From the Web Interface, click on
  2. Select the Destination Profile from the scrolling list.
  3. Click on
    to enable or disable Data Bridge.

After the Data Bridge is configured, the button turns into

and an icon
appears in the upper bar. If the connection is not possible, the icon
appears in the upper bar.

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