The process of updating the video card firmware disconnects all online field units from the StreamHub and stops actions in progress on the field units and on the StreamHub outputs (Live or Forward).
The BlackMagic DeckLink video cards embedded into the StreamHub server require being up-to-date. In addition to updating the drivers via the upgrade of the StreamHub, you also have to upgrade the firmware versions of the BlackMagic DeckLink video cards.
To update the video board firmware:
Download the new StreamHub application on the computer you are using to access the web interface of the StreamHub.
In the menu bar, click on Tools.
In the sidebar, click on System.
Click on the Update Video Card Firmware button:
If the board is up-to-date, a message indicates that it does not need updating. Click OK to dismiss the message.
If the board is not up-to-date, a message indicates that an update and a reboot are required. Click the Yes button to start the update.
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