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Intercom Errors



Not allowed by license

  • The Intercom function is not available because the license does not allow it.
  • You need to request a license update, please contact your sales area manager.
  • Input: not configured
  • Output: not configured

On the StreamHub, go to Settings > Intercom and configure the input and/or the output devices. (Please see Setting up the Intercom Function.)

Error on Intercom
(Input/Output: invalid configuration)

  • Check that the sound card is properly connected to one of the USB 2.0 ports of the StreamHub server.
  • On the StreamHub, go to Settings > Intercom and configure the input and/or the output devices. (Please see Setting up the Intercom Function.)
  • Restart the StreamHub application.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.