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The StreamHub is a media transceiver platform that supports a variety of functions:

  • Receive
  • Decode
  • Record
  • Transcode
  • Distribute

It natively integrates the support to the SST transmission protocol for robust and unprecedented live transmission over unmanaged networks.

Main Functions

  • Receiving live streams coming from Haivision transmitters (through SST protocol) or third-party IP streams with standard protocols (option).
  • Decoding live streams or recorded streams to multiple SDI outputs or one HDMI output.
  • Monitoring video transmissions.
  • Monitoring and controlling remotely connected field units.
  • Adapting the resolution, frame rate and/or scan mode of the incoming stream to the desired output format.
  • Transcoding incoming forwarded video files.

Optional Functions

  • Receiving live streams coming from Haivision transmitters (through SST protocol) or third-party IP streams with standard protocols (option).
  • Decoding live streams or recorded streams to multiple SDI outputs or one HDMI output.
  • Monitoring video transmissions.
  • Monitoring and controlling remotely connected field units.
  • Adapting the resolution, frame rate and/or scan mode of the incoming stream to the desired output format.
  • Transcoding incoming forwarded video files.
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