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Defining SMPTE 2110 Output Settings

Provided that your StreamHub is equipped with 2110 video cards, you can define 2110 output settings.

  1. Click
     from the desired output thumbnail.  
  2. Click
    to access the Settings window.
  3. Fill in the fields and configure the settings as required:

    Output Standard
    Select an Output Standard amongst the scrolling list. 

    Same as camera’s video standard

    When ticking the Same as camera’s video standard option, the input standard will be preserved, provided it is supported by the StreamHub and if the input format detected is a video standard.

    If not supported by the server video card, the Output Standard value selected is used instead.

    Display output name

    When ticking the Display Output Name, an overlay is applied on the output name into the pattern played out while the input is not playing.



    When enabling Multicast , the stream is sent to a group of receivers.


    When ticking Redundancy, each stream is sent over 2 dedicated parallel ports to allow SMPTE 2022-7 redundancy in the network.


    Same as video

    When ticking Same as video, the video destination profile is copied for the audio, including redundancy settings. Please note that the audio ports will be the video ports + 2.


    When enabling Multicast , the audio is sent to a group of receivers.


    When ticking Redundancy, each audio stream is sent over 2 dedicated parallel ports to allow SMPTE 2022-7 redundancy in the network.


    Enabling ancillary data
    When enabling ANC, received ancillary data are forwarded to the 2110 output.

    No Playing Policy / Lost Stream Policy

    You can select the type of pattern to be displayed when the video is not playing, and in case of stream loss.


    To define a custom pattern:

    1. Click on Browse to get the jpeg image to be displayed.
    2. Click on Upload, then on Save.
  4. Click the Save button.


You can click on the
icon to get more information and help you configure these settings.
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