Before starting a Video Return, you have to connect a compatible field unit that will be used as the source for the Video Return:
Create and select Live profiles as Video Return profiles (please refer to the field unit's User Guide for details).
Select the StreamHub as the destination profile.
After you have defined these settings, the icon appears over the input thumbnail, indicating which inputs are set with a Video Return profile.
To send a Video Return from a field unit to another one, you have two options:
Drag the input of the field unit emitting the Video Return and drop it on the input of the field unit that receives the Video Return.
On the field unit that should receive the Video Return:
Click on and on .
In the Video Return drop-down list, select an input that sends Video Return.
Click on Save.
You can set a Video Return Latency for each input that sends a Video Return. It must be within the range 200ms - 3000ms.
Start the Live on the emitting field unit by clicking on . The live starts and the icon appears over the input thumbnail of the field unit that receives the Video Return.
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