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Configuring SMPTE-2110 output settings

  1. In the menu bar, click on the Settings tab.

  2. In the sidebar, click on I/O Video Cards.

  3. Enter settings as required:

    Interface 1 / Interface 2
    When using a dual video card, each interface should be configured in function of host network adresses.

    StreamHub only operates in PTP slave mode.
    When enabling PTP, parameters can be configured following SMPTE ST2059-2 profile specifications (domain number and advanced parameters such as announce interval, announce receipt timeout, log sync interval and delay mechanism)

 PTP information is accessible by clicking Tools >Status.


Enabling NMOS means that NMOS IS-04, IS-05 and IS-09 specifications are applied, using mDNS based discovery method.

In that case, you have to provide StreamHub node port and the interface(s) used for NMOS traffic.

You may want to apply custom naming, following indications under field names.

Enabling “Use static registry” means that you use static discovery method.
In that case, you will need to configure a registry IP and port for IS-04 and IS-09 (if enabled).
This disables the mDNS mechanism, meaning that static registry settings are required for security.

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