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Accessing the Settings Menu

You have two possibilities to access the Settings menu:

  • On-Premise – Connecting a screen and a monitor directly to the server.

  • Remote – Using the SSH connection (provided that the service has been previously enabled in the Security Settings menu).

Choose a method appropriate to your needs.

Accessing Settings Menu with a Monitor and a Keyboard
  1. Plug a VGA display monitor to the server.
  2. Plug a keyboard to an USB interface.
  3. Power ON the server.

    When the server prompts you, log in to the server to view the server's Settings Menu. User credentials vary depending upon your firmware:

    Firmware Version

    Prior v3.1

    From v3.1

    From 4.0








    Password as defined during installation.


    On a newly delivered unit, the password is defined by Haivision and provided in the plastic label available on the front panel of the server.

  4. Use the arrow keys to select IP Settings menu. 
Accessing Settings Menu with Secure Shell (ssh) Session


Prior to this connection:

  • Ensure that the ssh service is enabled (please refer to Configuring Security Settings).
  • You have the IP address of the server if connecting to the server on the same LAN.

To access the server's Settings menu through ssh connection, you have two options:

  • Static IP – Connecting the computer directly to the server using the Ethernet port 2. In this case, both the server and the computer have a static IP address.
  • LAN (DHCP) – Connecting the computer and the server to the same LAN. In this case, the network interfaces of both the server and the computer are configured on DHCP (server's Ethernet 1 interface default configuration). You need to know the IP address of the server.

Choose the appropriate method below:

Static IP Address

Using Static IP addresses to access the server's Settings menu:

  1. Plug an Ethernet cable from one of the Ethernet interface of the server configured with a static IP address to a computer.
  2. Set the computer IP address to the IP:
  3. Open PuTTY or Tera Term on the computer or another ssh client application (MAC and Unix operating systems usually include an ssh terminal).
  4. In the Host box, enter the static IP address of the server:
  5. In the Port box, enter 5322.
  6. For the connection type (or service), tick ssh.
  7. Click the Open (or OK) button.
  8. Log in to the server to view the server's Settings Menu. User credentials vary depending upon your firmware:

    Firmware Version

    Prior v3.1

    From v3.1

    From 4.0








    Password as defined during installation.


    On a newly delivered unit, the password is defined by Haivision and provided in the plastic label available on the front panel of the server.


Using LAN (DHCP) to access the server's Settings menu:

  1. Open PuTTY or Tera Term on the computer or another ssh client application (MAC and Unix operating systems usually include an ssh terminal).
  2. In the Host box, type the server IP address.
  3. In the Port box, enter 5322.
  4. For the connection type (or service), tick ssh.
  5. Click the Open (or OK) button.
  6. Log in to the server to view the server's Settings Menu. User credentials vary depending upon your firmware:

    Firmware Version

    Prior v3.1

    From v3.1

    From 4.0








    Password as defined during installation.


    On a newly delivered unit, the password is defined by Haivision and provided in the plastic label available on the front panel of the server.

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