An IP Output profile is a set of parameters defining the streaming protocol used to distribute video content. You can configure up to 128 profiles. After you have configured IP Output profiles, they can be used by an IP output.
You cannot edit or delete an IP Output profile when it is selected for an output that is currently activated and started, or that is locked..
The following table lists the protocols that are supported and their specific use case:
Standard IP Protocols
Suggested for live streaming to another StreamHub Server
RTSP(Push mode)
Live streaming over LAN or WAN
RTSP server
RTSP (Pull Mode)
Live streaming over LAN or WAN (maximum 2 viewers)
VLC video player
Live streaming to IRDs
IRD, satellite modulator
Live streaming over LAN or WAN
QuickTime video player
RTMP / RTMPS (Push mode)
Live streaming to CDN or Media Server (H.264 only)
YouTube, Facebook
RTMP (Pull Mode)
Live streaming over LAN or WAN (H.264 only)
VLC video player
SRT (Caller Mode)
Live transport over public internet
SRT receiver
SRT (Listener Mode)
Live transport over public internet
SRT receiver
After creating an output profile, you can decide to hide or show it in the IP Output section on the right side of the Dashboard. (See Displaying IP Output Profiles.)
To add an output profile:
In the OUTPUTS section's toolbar, click the icon.
Click to add an IP output profile.
Select the IP protocol according to the type of streams to be distributed: SST, RTSP, TS, HLS, RTMP, or SRT.
Configure IP settings in accordance to the selected protocol.
You can click on the icon to get more information about the settings.
Click the Save button.
You can now use this profile for an output.
To edit an output profile:
In the Outputs section's toolbar, click the icon.
Click the icon next to the output profile you wish to edit.
If the output profile is currently in use, the icon does not appear and it cannot be edited. See Enabling / Disabling IP Outputs to disable the profile.
Edit the different fields as desired.
You can click the icon to get more information about each setting.
Click the Save button.
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