You simply need to set a LiveGuest profile to allow a guest to connect to the guest Web interface.
In the INPUTS section's toolbar, click on .
Click on to add a LiveGuest profile.
Select GUEST.
Define a Name for this new profile.
Define a Guest Name that will be used within the email sent to the guest and on the connection interface to the LiveGuest session.
Enter the Guest email address.
Enter the Event name.
Define the Date, Time, and Duration of the interview.
The guest will be able to connect to this interview only at the date, time, and for the duration that you define.
Decide if this interview needs to be protected with a password. If so, the guest is asked the password when connecting to the interview.
Define the Target resolution.
A target resolution is defined to indicate the target video resolution between guest and StreamHub.
The actual resolution will vary according to bandwidth and the guest's environment (browser, webcam settings). It can be different from the target resolution.
Click on Save. The interview link is generated and a second window opens.
To transmit this interview link to the guest, you have 2 options:
Copy the interview link to be transmitted to the guest.
Send a predefined email to the guest.
Assign the guest profile to an input and ensure it is enabled.
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