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Applying an SMPTE ST2110 License on the StreamHub

In case of a ST-2110 server purchased from Haivision, installing or reinstalling the firmware from the .ISO file requires uploading the Mellanox license file. This file can be downloaded from the Haivision support portal.
Please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the Haivision support portal.

  2. Under the Resources tab, click Download center.
  3. Select StreamHub > SMPTE2110 - License.
  4. Click on the Rivermax License to download it.
  5. From the StreamHub interface, select Settings > I/O Video Cards.
  6. Click Upload SMPTE 2110 License.

  7. To apply the License, you can:
    • Click on the top section of the screen, and browse for the License file previously downloaded. Then click on Open and Update.
    • Drag and drop the License file previously downloaded to the top section of the screen. Then click on Update.

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