The figure at right illustrates a simple example, where an SRT source device is attempting to stream across the Internet to an SRT destination behind a firewall. If we consider the case where the SRT source device is in Caller mode, and the destination device is in Listener mode, then in order for the handshaking process described earlier to be successfully completed (and an SRT streaming session established) certain conditions must be met:
The SRT source device must “know” the public IP address of the firewall, and the port number on which the SRT destination device is “listening”.
The firewall must allow the specific destination port used by SRT to be accessible from the Internet.
The firewall must allow bi-directional UDP traffic.
Port forwarding must be enabled on the firewall to allow data to flow to the IP address and port of the SRT destination device.
Packet filtering must be disabled (to allow the SRT packets to pass through).
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