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Connecting to HMP

The Play Pro app can be paired with a Haivision Media Platform (HMP) to play back HMP content or as a streaming destination for your device.


Play Pro supports single sign-on (SSO) for HMP. For information on configuring SSO, please refer to the HMP user documentation.

To connect to HMP with Play Pro:

  1. Tap the
    icon to open the side menu.
  2. Select
     Manage Services.

  3. Tap the Add button.
    Services Screen
  4. Select Haivision Media Platform.
    Add Service Window

  5. Enter the HMP URL.

  6. Tap Next.
  7. (Optional) Edit the HMP Nickname and add an Icon for easy identification.

  8. Tap Save.

The new HMP is added to the bottom of the Services screen.

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