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How to get a report file

Haivision's support team may ask for a Report File that you can send by email to help them in investigating about unexpected behaviours of Haivision transmitter unit. 

You can generate a report either from the transmitter unit panel or from its web interface.

From the Unit Panel
  1. From the Home menu, click on
  2. Press the wheel to confirm.
  3. Turn the wheel to select
    and press it to confirm.
  4. Turn the wheel to select Report and press it to confirm.
    A report is generated and accessible from the Web Interface.
  5. From the Web Interface, click on Admin > Reports History.
  6. Click on the report that you want to download.
    A report file (.bin) is generated.
  7. Attach the .bin file to an email in which you explain the issue you are facing, and send it to Haivision's support team.
From the Web Interface
  1. Click on Admin > Get Report.
  2. Click on Download.
    A report file (.bin) is generated.
  3. Attach the .bin file to an email in which you explain the issue you are facing and send it to Haivision's support team.

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