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Managing Server Redundancy

You can set up a manager redundancy pool to ensure a high availability of the Manager service. The aim is to minimize operational impacts in case of an unlikely server failure.

Automatic Manager redundancy requires a Manager redundancy package. Please contact your sales contact for more details.

You need to configure:

  • 2 Manager servers (one acting as a Master Manager and one acting as a Backup Manager)
  • a third service (Redundancy Arbiter), hosted on a third machine that can be a virtual one

The purpose is to:  

  • replicate the Master Manager database onto the Backup Manager database.
  • automatically detect the Master Manager failure and perform an automatic failover switch to the Backup Manager.
  • give a virtual IP to point to the effective running server (Master by default) for end users and field unit connections.


  • Master Manager, Backup Manager and Redundancy arbiter are on the same LAN.
  • Make sure that a virtual IP address is dedicated to the redundancy pool.


Once redundancy is configured, initial data on the Backup Manager are deleted and replaced by the Master manager database.

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