From your Manager, you can enable/disable receivers' outputs, or modifying inputs assigned to outputs.
Enabling / disabling an output
From the Grid view, it is easy to enable / disable an output.
Click on the type of output on the right side (SDI/ NDI/IP).
Search for the output thumbnail and click on to enable or disable the output.
Modifying the input on an output
From the Grid view, it is easy to select another input for an output.
Search for the output thumbnail.
From the drop list, select the input that you want to assign to output.
Accessing the Receiver's Interface Remotely
The administrator and the users with the "Receiver Web UI Access" permission can access the web page of any online receiver.
Go to the Maintenance or Grid view.
Search the receiver that you want to control.
Click the receiver's name to prompt the receiver panel in the upper left corner of the page.
Click on located in the receiver panel, to access the dashboard of the receiver or on located aside the input to directly access the receiver on the input page. The receiver web page opens in a new tab. Please refer to the StreamHub User Guide for details.
When logged in to the Manager as administrator, you access the receiver as admin. When logged in to the Manager as user, you access the receiver as user.
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