From the field unit panel on the left side of the screen, you can easily manage PRO1x0 files (forwarding, deleting, and renaming them).
For other field units such as Air Series, Pro Series, Rack Series, you must use the remote access functionality via the button.
Forwarding Files
Go to the Map, Maintenance or Grid view.
Click the field unit's name to prompt the field unit panel in the upper left corner of the page.
In the field unit panel, click the icon.
Select the mass-storage device on which is saved the files to forward. A new window opens.
Click the file name(s) to select the file(s) you want to forward.
Click the Forward button. The file forwarding starts. It automatically stops once the receiver successfully received the forwarded files.
If needed, you can stop forwarding files by clicking the icon. If so, the field unit disconnects from the receiver's input and the receiver does not complete the file until you resume the Forward and wait until it ends (on restarting, it resumes exactly where it stopped).
Deleting Files
Go to the Map, Maintenance or Grid view.
Click the field unit's name to prompt the field unit panel in the upper left corner of the page.
In the field unit panel, click the icon.
Select the mass-storage device containing the file(s) to delete. A new window opens.
Click the file name(s) to select the file(s) you want to delete.
Click the Delete button. A confirmation message prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the selected files.
Click the Yes button to delete the file(s).
Renaming Files
Go to the Map, Maintenance or Grid view.
Click the field unit's name to prompt the field unit panel in the upper left corner of the page.
In the field unit panel, click the icon.
Select the mass-storage device containing the file to rename. A new window opens.
Double-click the file name(s) to edit.
Edit the file name.
Press the Enter key on your keyboard. The file is renamed.
Click the Cancel button to close the window.
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