By default, all products are enabled. Disabling a product temporarily excludes it from automatic assignment; the product disconnects from the Manager, but remains registered in the Manager database.
Enabling / Disabling a Field Unit
The administrator and users with the "Field unit management" permission can enable / disable any field unit except while it is operating.
Go to the Maintenance tab.
Make sure that filters applied on the side panel allow displaying all field units.
Search for the field unit you want to enable / disable.
Click the icon.
When disabling, a confirmation window opens. The disabled field unit disconnects from the Manager and is no longer able to connect to the Manager as long as it is disabled.
Enabling / Disabling a Receiver
The administrator can enable / disable a receiver.
Go to the Maintenance tab.
Search for the receiver you want to disable.
Click the icon.
When disabling, a confirmation window opens. The inputs and outputs of the disabled receiver appear crossed out on the receiver panel and in the Booking window of the group(s) they belong to. Disabling a receiver excludes its inputs and outputs from automatic and manual assignment. Disabling a receiver does not stop the action in progress on the receiver's inputs and outputs and on the field units already connected to the disabled receiver.
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