Deleting a product means erasing it from the Manager's product database.
Deleting a Field Unit
The administrator and users with the "Field unit management" permission can delete a field unit, except while it is operating.
Go to the Maintenance tab.
Search the field unit you want to delete.
Click the icon. A confirmation window opens.
Click Yes to delete the selected field unit.
The field unit is deleted from the Manager database. Any booking set for this field unit is automatically cancelled.
Statistics gathered for this field unit are deleted, except daily statistics which are kept (including daily statistics gathered for the SIM cards inserted into this field unit).
However, a field unit that has been deleted is still able to connect to the Manager as a new product.
Deleting a Receiver
The administrator can delete receivers from the Manager database.
Deleting a receiver results in deleting reservations for live transmissions. Deleting a receiver while one or several inputs are receiving a video stream (Live or Forward) does not stop the action(s), but the receiver's inputs are no longer available for automatic or manual assignment.
Go to the Maintenance tab.
Search the receiver you want to delete.
Click the icon. A confirmation window opens.
Click Yes to delete the selected receiver.
You can also delete a receiver from the connection settings window of the receiver (Settings menu > Receiver).
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