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Viewing Recordings from a Removable Drive on a Computer

The Makito X with Removable Storage will record either .TS or .MP4 on a SATA drive formatted for EXT4. This section explains how to review the contents from a removable drive on a PC (Windows 7 to 10) or MAC OS.


To view recordings on a MAC OS X computer:

  1. Download the ExtFS for MAC OS X and install it.
  2. Remove the SAT A drive from the Makito X and insert it into a SATA dock on your computer.
  3. You will see the EXT4 file system mounted automatically on the desktop.
  4. You can view MP4s using VLC.
  5. You can view TS files using VLC or another TS player such as Haivision's InStream.

To view recordings on a PC (Windows Professional):

  1. Download the ExtFS for Windows Professional and install it.
  2. Remove the SAT A drive from the Makito X and insert it into a SATA dock on your computer.
  3. You will see the EXT4 file system.
  4. You can view MP4s using VLC.
  5. You can view TS files using VLC or another TS player such as Haivision's InStream.

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