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SRT Streaming Settings

The following tables list the TS over SRT-specific parameters:


SRT Stream Setting



Specifies the SRT Connection Mode:

  • Caller: The SRT stream acts like a client and connects to a server listening and waiting for an incoming call.
  • Listener: The SRT stream acts like a server, and listens and waits for clients to connect to it.


    The firewall must be configured to allow incoming Caller connections to reach the Listening device.

  • Rendezvous: Allows calling and listening at the same time.


    To simplify firewall traversal, Rendezvous Mode allows the encoder and decoder to traverse a firewall without the need for IT to open a port, but requires that the firewall not remap the UDP port for the stream.


(Caller and Rendezvous modes) Specifies the destination IP address for the SRT stream.


You can also enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

Source Port

(Caller mode) Specifies the UDP source port for the SRT stream. If not filled in, a (default) source port will be assigned.


This simplifies firewall configuration as the firewall/NAT rules can be precisely tailored to the SRT stream.

Destination Port

(Caller and Rendezvous modes) Specifies the UDP destination port for the SRT stream.


(Listener mode only) Specifies the UDP local port for the SRT stream.

SRT Settings

SRT Stream Setting


Network Adaptive

Check this checkbox to enable Network Adaptive Encoding. NAE directs the video encoder to adapt to changing network throughput used by the SRT stream during operational use with the goal of maximizing video quality for a given network. NAE may adjust video bitrate depending on measured link throughput without stream tear-down and re-build.

(Buffering) Latency

Specifies the SRT receiver buffer that permits lost packet recovery. The size of this buffer adds up to the total latency. A minimum value must be 3 times the round-trip-time (RTT). Range = 20 - 8000 ms


Latency is for the SRT protocol only and does not include the capture, encoding, decoding and display processes of the end-point devices.

The SRT buffer, configured as "Latency'", is the time reserved in the decoder to recover missing packets.


Enables AES encryption and specifies the key length, either: None, AES-128, or AES-256


(Only required and accepted if Encryption is enabled) Specifies a string used to generate the encryption keys to protect the stream.
Range = 10-79 UTF8 characters

Overhead (%)

Specifies the maximum stream bandwidth overhead that can be used for lost packets recovery.
Range = 5-50%


SRT streams may temporarily overshoot the defined bandwidth overhead limit.

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