By default, the Recordings (Asset Browser) page opens with the list displayed in Thumbnail view, showing the newest assets first. In Thumbnail view, each asset is represented with a thumbnail image. You can adjust the display to List view, which displays the assets in horizontal rows of information. You can also change the sort order of the list and change the number of items to display per page.
To switch from Thumbnail view to List view, click on the content toolbar.
To sort the list by a different metadata field or change the sort order, select from the Sort by drop-down menu. The Sort by options include creation date (Oldest or Newest), file size (Smallest or Largest), title (A-Z or Z-A), and type (A-Z or Z-A).
To change the number of items to display per page, select the number from the Items/Page drop-down menu (the default is 15).
If the list is more than one page, you can page forward and backward through the list by clicking Next and Previous (along the bottom of the page).
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