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Metadata Settings

The following table lists the encoder Metadata controls and settings:


The fields depend on the hardware setup of the encoder; i.e., whether the serial port or SDI video is connected. UDP is always available.

Serial Sources

Metadata Setting



Metadata Source Name



Enter a unique name for the source.

Input Settings
Data FormatKLV

Select the data format for the metadata:

  • KLV (Key Length Value)
  • CoT (Cursor on Target)


To configure Serial input, the COM Port Mode must first be set to Metadata (see "Mode" in COM Port Settings).

CoT must be specified upon purchase. For details, refer to Cursor-on-Target Capture from the Makito X .

Max AirCraft-SPI Delta0 ms

(CoT input only) Specifies the maximum delta between SPI and Aircraft message timestamps for them to be considered a valid pair that can be converted to KLV. 0..1000 ms

Sensor DiscoveryDisabled(CoT input only) Check this checkbox to enable discovery of SPI UIDs that will be shown in the SPI UID field below and can then be potentially used as the SPI UID for SPI message filtering.
SPI UIDn/a(CoT input only) Double-click the text box to display the list of the SPI messages detected by the Makito Xand select a string for the UID filter.
Serial Settings
COM PortRS-232

Select the type of Serial interface:

  • RS-232
  • RS-422 (only available if the Metadata Capture option is installed).
Baud Rate115200Select the bitrate for the COM Port to match the protocol for connected RS-232/422 equipment. Choose from: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
Data Bits8Select the number of data bits for the COM Port.
ParityNoneSelect the parity for the COM Port.
Stop Bits1Select the number of stop bits for the COM Port.
Flow ControlNone

Select the flow control for the COM Port.

CoT Relaying
CoT RelayingoffWhen set to On, the system will retransmit received CoT/UDP or CoT/Serial metadata to up to 8 other hosts over UDP. See CoT Relaying for details of adding a relay host.

Use to specify the IP address and UDP port for each relayed packets. You can optionally specify the TTL and ToS.


(Time-to Live for stream packets) Specifies the number of router hops that IP packets from this stream are allowed to traverse before being discarded.
Range = 1..255


(Type of Service) Specifies the desired quality of service (QoS). This value will be assigned to the Type of Service field of the IP Header for the outgoing streams.
Range = 0..255 (decimal) or 0x00..0xFF (hex)


A DiffServ or DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) value must be converted to a ToS precedence value. For example, AF41 or DSCP 34 becomes ToS 136. For more information, see RFC2474.


The ToS setting must be chosen so as to not interfere with Voice over IP systems and other equipment that may reside on your network. For example, when the ToS value for a stream is set to 0xB8, it can interfere with some third party Voice / IP Telephony systems.

KLV Insertion (See Mission ID/Security Data Set Insertion)
Mission ID Insertionn/aEnter a string of up to 127 characters.
Security Data Set Insertionoff(KLV input only) When set to On, enables reclassification of received UAS KLV messages. on,off
Security Classificationunclassified

Specifies the classification of the security data set:

  • unclassified, restricted, confidential, secret, topsecret
Country Coding Method
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
Classifying Countryn/a

The ISO 3166-1 3-letter code for the classifying country.

Object Country Codesn/aThe ISO 3166-1 3-letter code(s) for up to six object countries separated by semicolons.
HD-SDI Sources

Metadata Setting



Metadata Source Name



Enter a unique name for the source.

HD-SDI Input


Select the Input port for the metadata source.

  • BNC-1
  • BNC-2
  • BNC-3
  • BNC-4

Decimation Settings



(Optional) For KLV over SDI metadata input, the ingested KLV messages can be frame-decimated to reduce the bandwidth used by the metadata service. Select either the decimation factor or a reference encoder to match its video frame rate.

  • None
  • By Factor: 1/2..1/60


    1/2 means divide the amount by half, etc.

  • With Encoder: Select a video encoder from the drop-down list and the metadata AU rate will match the video encoder frame rate.
KLV Tag Filtering (See UAS KLV Tag Filtering)
UAS KLV Tag Filteringoff

Specifies a list of tag numbers/labels from the UAS Datalink Local Set that are allowed to be streamed. Tags not included in this list will be discarded. Select either:

  • None
  • Minimum Set: the set of metadata objects as define in MISB 0902.
  • All: the set of metadata objects as define in MISB 0601.
UAS KLV Security Tag Filteringoff

Specifies a list of tag numbers/labels from the Security Local Data set inside the UAS that are allowed to be streamed. Tags not included will be discarded. Select either:

  • None
  • Minimum Set: the set of metadata objects as define in MISB 0902.
  • All: the set of metadata objects as define in MISB 0102.


#48 must be included under UAS KLV Tag Filtering.

KLV Insertion (See Mission ID/Security Data Set Insertion)
Mission ID Insertionn/aEnter a string of up to 127 characters.
Security Data Set Insertionoff(KLV input only) When set to On, enables reclassification of received UAS KLV messages. on,off
Security Classificationunclassified

Specifies the classification of the security data set:

  • unclassified, restricted, confidential, secret, topsecret
Country Coding Method
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
Classifying Countryn/aThe ISO 3166-1 3-letter code for the classifying country.
Object Country Codesn/aThe ISO 3166-1 3-letter code(s) for up to six object countries separated by semicolons.


KLV Metadata over SDI is only used with HD-SDI, and no Closed Captioning services are presently available on HD-SDI Makito X.

Network Sources

Metadata Setting



Metadata Source Name



Enter a unique name for the source.

Input Settings
Data FormatKLV

Select the data format for the metadata.

  • KLV (Key Length Value)
  • CoT (Cursor on Target)

CoT must be specified upon purchase. For details, refer to the MakitoX CoT Addendum.

Max AirCraft-SPI Delta0 ms

(CoT only) Specifies the maximum delta between SPI and Aircraft message timestamps for them to be considered a valid pair that can be converted to KLV. 0..1000 ms

NOTE: Only available if CoT has been installed.

Sensor DiscoveryDisabled(CoT input only) Check this checkbox to enable discovery of SPI UIDs that will be shown in the SPI UID field below and can then be potentially used as the SPI UID for SPI message filtering.
SPI UIDn/a(CoT input only) Double-click the text box to display the list of the SPI messages detected by the Makito Xand select a string for the UID filter.

Network Settings

IP Addressn/a

(Optional) The address is only required for reception of multicast metadata. In this case, you need to provide the multicast IP address to which the data is being sent.

You can also specify the address if you only want to accept KLV messages coming from a specific sender.

Portn/a(Required) Specifies the local UDP port on the Makito X that is receiving the packets.
CoT Relaying (See CoT Relaying)
CoT Relayingoff

When set to On, the system will retransmit received CoT/UDP or CoT/Serial metadata to up to 8 other hosts over UDP. See CoT Relaying for details of adding a relay host.

+Relayn/aUse to specify the IP address and UDP port for each relayed packets. You can optionally specify the TTL and ToS.

(Time-to Live for stream packets) Specifies the number of router hops that IP packets from this stream are allowed to traverse before being discarded.
Range = 1..255


(Type of Service) Specifies the desired quality of service (QoS). This value will be assigned to the Type of Service field of the IP Header for the outgoing streams.
Range = 0..255 (decimal) or 0x00..0xFF (hex)


A DiffServ or DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) value must be converted to a ToS precedence value. For example, AF41 or DSCP 34 becomes ToS 136. For more information, see RFC2474.


The ToS setting must be chosen so as to not interfere with Voice over IP systems and other equipment that may reside on your network. For example, when the ToS value for a stream is set to 0xB8, it can interfere with some third party Voice / IP Telephony systems.

KLV Insertion (See Mission ID/Security Data Set Insertion)
Mission ID Insertionn/aEnter a string of up to 127 characters.
Security Data Set Insertionoff(KLV input only) When set to On, enables reclassification of received UAS KLV messages. on,off
Security Classificationunclassified

Specifies the classification of the security data set:

  • unclassified, restricted, confidential, secret, topsecret
Country Coding Method
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
Classifying Countryn/aThe ISO 3166-1 3-letter code for the classifying country.
Object Country Codesn/aThe ISO 3166-1 3-letter code(s) for up to six object countries separated by semicolons.
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