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SDI Decoder Statistics

The following sections list the SDI 1 and SDI 2 Decoder statistics: 

Statistics & Video Decoder
Up TimeThe length of time the decoder is actively decoding (e.g., 5d22h15m25s).

The number of times the video decoder was restarted internally. This may have been caused by either of the following:

  • A change in the resolution format or encoding parameters in the stream (resolution and/or frame rate) or because of excessive errors in the stream.

  • The need to restart was automatically determined by the software.

A brief interruption in the video output occurred during the restart.

Video Decoder

The video coding standard being decoded, either:

  • AVC/H.264
  • HEVC/H.265
  • MPEG2
  • Invalid (the video compression algorithm is not recognized)

The profile tier from the video coding standard:

  • (AVC/H.264) Main, High, or Baseline
  • (HEVC/H.265) Main or High, optionally with 4:2:2 and/or 10-bit

  • (MPEG-2/H.262) Simple, Main or High


    The profiles and levels are defined in the corresponding MPEG-2/H.262, AVC/H.264 or HEVC/H.265 specifications.


The level tier from the video coding standard (i.e., the required level of decoder performance to be able to process the incoming video stream):

  • (AVC/H.264) 3, 3.2, 4, or 4.2
  • (HEVC/H.265 ) 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 6.1 or 6.2

  • (MPEG-2/H.262 ) Low, Main or High

The current operating state of the video decoding engine, either:

  • INACTIVE: The decoder is currently stopped by the user.
  • RUNNING: The decoder is processing an active stream.
  • NO SIGNAL - The decoder is currently started by the user, but no active stream is flowing.

Buffering ModeThe Configured buffering mode. Possible values are:
  • Automatic

  • Adaptive

  • Fixed

  • MultiSync

MultiSync Delay(MultiSync Only) The delay in ms from timecode stamping at the encoder to display when buffering in MultiSync mode.
MultiSync Status

(MultiSync Only) Status of the MultiSync buffering engine. Possible values are:


  • Timecode NOT PRESENT


  • Timecode reference is INVALID

MultiSync Delay Set

(MultiSync Only) The set delay configured by the user for MultiSync Buffering. Afterwards there is an indication that this set delay is either:

  • Too High - the delay is higher than the maximum the decoder can support.

  • Too Low - the delay is lower than the minimum the decoder can support.

  • In Range - the delay is within the supported range.

See "MultiSync Delay Range" below.

MultiSync Delay Range

(MultiSync Only) The minimum and maximum delay that can be supported by MultiSync buffering for this stream.
(Input) Format

The format of the video stream as it was encoded. This information includes resolution (Width x Height) and whether the picture structure is interlaced or progressive, for example: 1920x1080p59

BitrateMeasured rate of data transfer that is being received in the video stream.

Decoded Frames

The number of video frames that were successfully decoded.


Video frames are complete pictures sent in a cascade for display at a distinct point in time. See "Decoded Frames" under "Audio Decoder & Output".
Video Output
(Output) Format

The output signal sent from the decoder.

Output FramesThe number of video frames output from the decoder.
Skipped FramesSkipped frames occur when the time to play a video frame has already passed when the decoder is finished producing a new video frame. In this case, the video frame is dropped (never displayed) and it is counted as skipped. The decoder does this to minimize the latency and maintain audio/video sync. The most likely reason for this to occur is that the video is complex and takes more time to decode than is expected by the decoder.
Replayed Frames

A replay frame occurs when the same video frame is played twice in a row on a decoder output. It occurs when the decoder is too slow to produce a video frame and there is nothing else to display. In this case, the decoder will replay the last frame played. Conditions such as network congestion and packet loss, complex video scenes, and the decoder attempting to minimize latency can all cause replay frames.


If the Replayed Frames statistic increments periodically and video playback is not smooth, we recommend that you try running the decoder using Fixed mode with a delay added of up to 2000ms of buffering, or less as playback quality permits. This should take care of most non-congestion related skip/replay situations.
Display ErrorsThe number of display errors.
Audio Decoder & Output
Audio Decoder

The audio coding standard being decoded, either:

  • AAC-LC / ADTS: decodes audio using the ISO/IEC 13818-7 MPEG-2 Part 7 AAC-LC algorithm with ADTS headers.
  • AAC-LC / LATM: decodes audio using the ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 Part 3 AAC-LC algorithm with LOAS/LATM headers.
  • MPEG1 Layer 1/2/3 (ISO/IEC 11172-3) designated as MP1, MP2 and MP3, respectively.
  • AC-3: decodes a TS stream containing AC-3 audio formatted as per ATSC A/52.


Any AC-3 audio received will be down-mixed to a stereo pair for output on the HDMI and SDI interfaces.

The two channels of AES3 data are output within the SMPTE 272/299 embedded audio ancillary packets of the SDI HANC space.


Current state of the audio decoding engine. Possible values are:

  • Inactive - The decoder is currently stopped by the user.

  • Running - The decoder is processing an active stream.

  • No Signal - The decoder is currently started by the user, but no active stream is flowing.

BitrateThe measured bit rate of the data flowing in this audio channel.
Sample RateThe number of audio samples per second taken from the output signal. 48 kHz only.
Number of PairsThe number of audio pairs currently being decoded.
Input Layout 1

(N=1-4 for Dual Personality or 1-8 for Single Personality) The layout of each audio stream as it was encoded. For example:

  • 2.0 (FrontL FrontR)

  • 1.0 (FrontC)

  • 5.1 (FrontL, FrontC, FrontR, BackL, BackR, Sub)

  • 7.1 (FrontL, FrontC, FrontR, BackL, BackR, SideL, SideR, Sub)

Decoded Frames

The number of audio frames produced as output from the audio decoder.


Audio frames are same-sized groups of audio samples to be played back. See "Decoded Frames" under "Statistics & Video Decoder".
Audio Output
Output Frames

The number of audio frames that were played at the output.

Output Layout

The audio output layout on the SDI/HDMI interface. It is always 2.0: stereo (Front Left and Front Right).


If the Input Layout is mono, it will be mixed to stereo as the output.

Skipped FramesThe number of audio frames that were not played at the output.

KLV, CC, Timecode & AFD
Key-Length-Value (KLV)
StateIndicates whether KLV is currently present and active in the stream. Present, Not Present
Closed Captioning (CC)
StateIndicates whether closed captioning is currently present and active in the stream. Present, Not Present
Timecode (TC)

Indicates whether timecodes are currently present and active in the stream. Present, Not Present

If present, the following statistics appear:

  • Displayed Frames: The number of TC frames that were sent to the display.
  • Processed Bytes: The number of bytes of TC data that were processed by the decoder.
  • Current Timecode: The current value of the timecode in the stream.

Active Format Description (AFD)

StateIndicates whether AFD metadata is currently present and active in the stream. Present, Not Present

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