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Audio Breakout Cables

The following table lists the audio breakout cables available for the Makito X decoder, including description and Haivision part numbers.

CableDescriptionPart Number

Audio Breakout Cable, Unbalanced

Unbalanced mini-DIN 8 to RCA Female

  • 2 channels output
  • 1 channel input for talkback support (future use)

Included in the package (shown in Connecting the Decoder to A/V Displays).


Audio Breakout Cable, Balanced

Balanced mini-DIN 8 to XLR Female

  • 2 channels ouput
  • 1 RCA female channel input for talkback support (future use)

May be ordered from Haivision. Please contact your sales representative or email Haivision at:


Audio Breakout Cable, Balanced

Balanced mini-DIN 8 to XLR Male

  • 2 channels output
  • 1 RCA female channel input for talkback support (future use)

May be ordered from Haivision. Please contact your sales representative or email Haivision at:


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