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What's New for 2.5.2

Makito X Decoder Version 2.5.2 introduces the following features and enhancements to existing capabilities

  • FIPS 140-2 Support – Implementation of FIPS 140-2 security improvements.  
  • Configurable Minimum Password Lifetime  – A new option is available to restrict the user's ability to change their password. Enforcing a minimum password lifetime helps prevent repeated password changes to defeat the password reuse or history enforcement requirement. The range is from 0 (no restriction) to 7 days. The default is 0.

See Managing Security Policies and policy.

  • Added Trusted Root CA Bundle – In order to properly support future interactions with Haivision Hub over HTTPS, the Makito X firmware now includes a list of trusted root certificate authorities (ca-certificates.crt installed under /etc/ssl/certs/). This list may be used to validate certificates returned by remote servers.


A problem has been identified with some self-generated SSH server RSA keys of earlier firmware versions. After an upgrade, if such a key is detected at startup time, it will be deleted and replaced by a new RSA key. SSH clients that have cached the old RSA key will issue a warning to the user while establishing a new SSH session with the Makito X after upgrade.

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