Each Makito X is configured by users' selecting and setting values of applicable settings, such as encoder or decoder and stream settings and the stream destination. Although these configuration settings are not automatically saved, presets provide a way for you to save groups of settings and recall these configurations settings to apply to other streams.
Configuration settings saved as the "startup" preset will continue to be used after a reboot, or when the unit is turned off and on. You can also direct the system to apply a preset to restore settings when the system startup process performs the configuration autoload.
Presets do not include System Administration (e.g., Network) or Security settings.
From the Presets page, you can view the list of saved presets, load a saved preset, and save the current settings as a preset. You can also view the contents of a preset file, delete a preset, and select the preset to load at startup.
To view and manage presets:
On the Administration page, click Presets on the sidebar (under Settings). The Presets List View opens displaying the list of saved presets for the decoder. The startup preset is indicated with a blue check.
To load an existing preset into the current session, hover over the preset name or anywhere in the row and click Load.
To select an existing preset to load at startup, hover over the preset row and click the (greyed out) checkmark under Startup.
To save the current settings as a new preset, clickAdd.
In the New Preset dialog, type a new filename in the Name text box.
To select this preset to load at startup, check the Startup checkbox.
Click Apply.
To save the current settings as an existing preset, hover over the preset row and click Save. You can (optionally) check the Startup checkmark.
To save the preset as a text file to view or export to other Makito X's, click the preset name and save it in the Save As dialog. Note that the file is in Unix format.
To import a preset, for example, from another Makito X, click Import and select the file in the Open File dialog box.
When you see the filename in the text box, click Upload.
To select a different preset file, click Change. To remove the selection, click .
To delete one or more presets, check the checkbox next to one or more preset names (or check All) and click Delete.
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