From the Stream Detail View, you can create and configure streams, start and stop streaming, and display statistics for streams. When creating a stream, you begin by selecting the content sources and then configure the destination, link, and other streaming parameters.
To configure Steaming parameters:
From the Streams List View, click the Settings icon on an existing stream panel, or click the Add Stream button to add a new stream.
The Stream Detail View, or Add Stream Panel, opens.
Enter the stream name and select the sources (Video, Audio, and Metadata if applicable). See Stream Settings.
To configure multi-track audio, click the Add button under the Audio field and select the next Audio Encoder to add to the stream. To remove one or more Audio Encoder(s) from the stream, click the Remove icon next to the Audio Encoder field(s).
Audio sources should always be associated with the same video interface for the dual channel SDI encoder. Selecting Analog or SDI audio sources that do not originate from the same video source is not recommended as audio artifacts will result at the decoder. For example, selecting video from BNC1 and audio from BNC2 will cause audio artifacts. Analog audio must be associated with a single BNC input.
To add metadata to the stream, select the Metadata source, and (optionally) select the encapsulation type (Data Carriage).
To stream metadata from multiple sources, click the Add button below the Metadata field and select the next metadata source to add to the stream.
To enable ad insertion, select the appropriate SDI input from the SCTE 35 drop-down menu, as in the following example: For information on setting up ad insertion sources, see Configuring Ad Insertion Sources and adinsertion.
Under Streaming Parameters, select the Protocol from the dropdown menu.
To configure the Transport Stream settings (for TS over UDP, RTP, or SRT), toggle TS Settings on and enter the necessary values.
To configure a stream using the SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) streaming protocol, select TS over SRT for the Protocol and then complete the additional fields underDestinationandSRT Access Control.See Configuring Secure Reliable Transport (SRT).
Enter the values for the Destination and Link Parameters.
The ToS setting must be chosen so as to not interfere with Voice over IP systems and other equipment that may reside on your network.
If dual network interfaces are available, to assign the stream to either interface, select either eth0 or eth1 from the Network Interface drop-down list.
To configure SAP network announcements, toggle Transmit SAP on and fill in the SAP fields. For details, see Session Announcement Protocol (SAP).
To start or stop streaming, click the Start/Stop icon / (as applicable).
To view streaming statistics, click the Statistics icon . For details, see Stream Statistics.
Click Apply to apply your changes, or click Add Stream to begin the new stream and start streaming.
To return to List View, click the Settings icon again.