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Enclosure Back Panel

The Makito X4 Rugged enclosure provides rugged connectors for connecting the encoder's Power, Audio, and Serial inputs, as well as the Network interface(s), located on the back panel. There is one LED that indicates the Power encoding status.

Makito X4 Rugged Back Panel




Number of Contacts

Power Entry ConnectorDC IN +28V Power Connector Hirose P/N LF10WBRB – 4P4
Analog Audio/Serial Input ConnectorHirose P/N LF13WBRB – 20S20

Ethernet Connector

2X Hirose P/N LF10WBRB – 12S



Hirose Cable Assemblies: Cabling must be done using the Hirose LF Series Connector Termination and Assembly Instructions.


If the mating cable assemblies are not provided by Haivision, please make sure to meet Hirose’s specifications and recommendations, especially in relation to waterproofing. Failure to meet Hirose’s specifications may void the product warranty.

LED Status Indicator:




No power

Green fast blinking

Reset button is pressed for less than four seconds. If the Reset button is not pressed, there is a power fault.

Green slow blinking


Green solid

Booting/Initialization sequence is complete (No fault/OK).

Red fast blinking

Reset button is pressed for more than four seconds (Factory Reset enabled).

Red slow blinking

Reset button is released after the Red fast blinking state (executing Factory Reset).

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