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Date and Time Settings

The following table lists the Date and Time settings:

Date and Time Setting



Timezone - Locale

Select the desired time zone and corresponding city.


The times are based on hours added to or subtracted from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Current Time

(Read-only) The current local date and time.



Toggle on to connect to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server to synchronize the encoder or decoder clock.

NTP Server

If NTP is enabled, enter the IP address of the NTP server.

Manually Set Date & Time

If NTP is disabled, select the date and time from the calendar.

TestIf NTP is enabled, click to validate that the NTP server is reachable.
StatisticsIf NTP is enabled, click to display tracking and source information, and source statistics for the NTP server.
RebootIf changes have been made to the date and time settings, click to apply changes. 

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