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Audit Settings

The following table lists the Audit controls and settings:

Audit Setting



Enable Audit


Toggle on or off to enable or disable audits for the system.

Audit Server Address


Type in the address and port of the remote server, in one of the following formats:

  • fqdn[:port]

  • ipv4_addr[:port]
  • ipv6_addr[:port]
  • hostname[:port]

If the port is not provided, the default port for the chosen Transport will be used:


Select the Transport Type from the drop-down list:

  • UDP (default port: 514)
  • TLS (Transport Layer Security, default port: 6514)
Trusted ServersALL

(TLS must be selected for Transport) Select the type of certificate exchange:

  • All: Server authentication is disabled. Any server that is set in the Audit Server Address field will be accepted as a trusted server, and the authentication step is skipped.
  • CA-signed: Enables server authentication during the startup of an audit. The encoder will only accept a connection with the specified audit server if the certificate it presents is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (i.e., The certificate of that certificate authority is present in the Makito X's CA Certificates list).
  • Self-signed: Enables server authentication. A connection with the specified audit server will be accepted if its certificate is self-signed, and its fingerprint matches the one configured on the Makito X.

(Only appears if Self-signed is selected for Trusted Servers) Enter the fingerprint of the audit server’s self-signed certificate.

The fingerprint should be the SHA-1 or MD5 fingerprint of the certificate that belongs to the audit server which was set in Audit Server Address.

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