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System Settings

The following table lists the System settings. System information can be useful for troubleshooting and may be forwarded to Haivision Technical Support if you are requesting technical support.

System Setting


Device NameThe name of your Makito X1 device, which is displayed in the browser tab. To change the device name, type in a new name and click Apply.

Card Status

OK (or error message if applicable).

Card Type

The type of device, e.g., MakitoX1 SDI Rugged Encoder.

Part Number

The Haivision part number for the encoder or decoder, e.g., S-MX1E-R.

Serial Number

The serial number for this appliance or card.

Firmware Version

The firmware version of the device, e.g., 1.0.0-23.

Firmware Date

The firmware release date.

Hardware Version

The hardware version of the device.

Hardware Compatibility


CPLD Version

The Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) version. 

System Uptime

The length of time the encoder or decoder has been "up" and running (e.g., 4 days 17:42:03).

Encoding Chipset Load

(Encoder only) The combined video encoding processor usage in percentage% (combining both Hi and Lo streams).

TemperatureThe current board temperature in degrees Celsius.

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