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Resetting the Encoder

This section describes the steps to perform a hardware reset on the Makito X1. The Reset button (located on the Ethernet/Factory Reset cable) is used either to reset the system or to restore the factory default settings.

  • System Reset: In some cases, if your encoder is experiencing a problem, resetting the system can return the encoder to normal operation. 
  • Factory Reset: If the problem remains after performing a reset, it may help to restore the encoder to its factory default settings. A factory reset returns the encoder to the same settings it originally had when shipped from Haivision, including the factory default IP address, subnet, and gateway.


After a factory reset, only the firmware revision, serial number, MAC address, and licenses are preserved. All other data is deleted (including saved presets, added user accounts, modified passwords, and encoding or decoding settings). All settings are returned to their factory preset conditions (including the IP address). 

Preset Auto-Save is enabled by default after a factory reset.


Do not perform a factory reset during bootup. This may cause the unit to enter error mode (LED flashing orange) and fail to boot.

Use one of the following methods to either reset or restore the encoder settings:

  1. With the encoder on, press the button labeled Reset on the Ethernet/Factory Reset cable.

  2. System Reset: Press the switch (you will feel the button depress) for at least one second and release. Be sure to release the button in less than five (5) seconds.
    Factory Reset: Press and hold the switch for five (5) seconds. 
  3. Wait for the encoder to reboot. As soon as the lights stop blinking and the Status LED is solid green, the encoder is ready.


    The LED status indicator can be shut off completely though the command line interface. In this case, there will be no indications of any kind from the LED. For details, see leds


    When performing a Factory Reset, do not remove or disconnect the power supply until the reset is complete. 

Default Network Settings

After a factory reset, the Network settings should be:

IP Address

Subnet Mask


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