Type the initial password in the Password field and again in the Confirm Password field. For the allowed characters, see "Password Requirements" in Changing Your Password.
Click Add Account.
To manage existing accounts:
From the Accounts List View, click the Settings icon in an existing account panel to view or configure the account settings. The account settings details open for the selected account (as shown in the following example). For security purposes, you cannot modify the Name or Role for an existing account.
To reset the password of an existing account, type the new password into both the New Password and Confirm Password fields. For the allowed characters, see "Password Requirements" in Changing Your Password.
To change your own password, type the current password in the Current Password field, and then type the new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
New users must change their passwords the first time they sign in as well as when the administrator resets the password of an existing account. When you change your password, the new password takes effect immediately.