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Dimensions, Weight, Power


Makito X1 Rugged Appliance 
Appliance Dimensions

30.5 mm H x 72.5 mm W x 94 mm D
(1.20” H x 2.85” W x 3.55” D)

Appliance Dimensions

32.5 mm H x 72.5 mm W x 94 mm D
(1.28” H x 2.85” W x 3.55” D)

Appliance Weight
(#S-MX1E-R-SDI1 and #S-MX1E-R-V2-SDI1)
363g (0.80 lbs)
(#S-MX1E-R-SDI1 and #S-MX1E-R-V2-SDI1)

6W at 5 VDC at 70°C

5W at 5 VDC at 40°C

(#S-MX1E-R-SDI1 and #S-MX1E-R-V2-SDI1)

Operating: -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F)

Non-operating: -45° to 85°C (-49° to 185°F)

Humidity: 0-100% condensing

*Ambient environmental temperature

OEM Board

Makito X1 Rugged Board (#B-MX1E-I-SDI1-ISR)
Board Dimensions58.0 mm H x 66.0 mm W
(2.28” H x 2.60” W)
Board Weight45g (0.11 lbs)

6W at 5 VDC at 70°C

5W at 5 VDC at 40°C


Operating: -40° to 70°C (-25° to 160°F)

Non-operating: -45° to 85°C (-49° to 185°F)

*Ambient environmental temperature

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