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Managing Connections


 Connections screen is where you select, add, edit, duplicate, and delete receiver connection profiles.

To access the Connections screen:

  • Go to the
    Menu screen and tap

From here, you can select, add, edit, or delete connection profiles.

  • Tap the Add Connection button to create a new connection profile. For more information, see Adding a Connection.
  • Tap the
    icon on a connection profile to open the actions menu. For more information, see Connection Actions below.

Connection Actions

Tap the

icon on a connection to open the action menu:

  • Tap Select to connect to the selected receiver.
  • Tap Edit to make changes to the selected connection profile.
  • Tap Duplicate to create a new connection profile using the same settings as the selected profile. Selecting this takes you to the Adding a Connection screen.
  • Tap Delete to remove the selected connection profile.


The currently selected connection profile (indicated by a green

icon on the listing) cannot be deleted.

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