metadata Command Examples
Example #1: Creating a Stream with SDI Metadata
[Source ID=1]
Start the SDI metadata encoder instance using the following command:
# metadata 1 start
Create a stream with video, audio and metadata using the following syntax:
# stream create addr=<IPaddr> port=<UDPport> vid=0 aud=0 data=1
Verify the metadata encoder stats:
# metadata 1 get all
The system will return the metadata information:
Metadata ID : 1
Name : (None)
Type : HD-SDI
Input : HDMI
Format : KLV
Status : STOPPED
Decimation : (None)
Reclassification : Off
Classification : UNCLASSIFIED
Classifying Country : (None)
Object Country : (None)
UAS Tag Filtering : Off
Security Filtering : Off
Rx Bytes : 0
Rx OK Messages : 0
Rx Corrupt Messages : 0
KLV Bitrate : 0 kbps
Example #2: Streaming with UDP Metadata
[Source ID=2]
Create a UDP metadata encoder instance using the following syntax:
metadata create [addr=<IP source>] port=<dest port>
# metadata create port=8500
The system will return the following message, including the UDP metadata ID:
Metadata source created successfully - ID: 2
Start the UDP metadata encoder (if stopped) using the following syntax:
# metadata <ID> start
# metadata 2 start
Create a stream with video, audio and metadata using the following syntax:
stream create [addr=<dest IP>] port=<dest port> vid=<id>
aud=<id> data=<id>Example (showing multiple metadata streams):
# stream create addr= port=1234 encap=ts-udp videosrc=1 audiosrc=1 datasrc=1,3
Verify the metadata encoder stats using the following syntax:
# metadata <ID> get all
Example:# metadata 2 get all
The system will return the metadata information:
Metadata ID : 2
Name : (None)
Type : Network
Format : KLV
Address : (Any)|
UDP Port : 8500
Reclassification : Off
Classification : UNCLASSIFIED
Classifying Country : (None)
Object Country : (None)
UAS Tag Filtering : Off
Security Filtering : Off
Rx Bytes : 0
Rx OK Messages : 0
Rx Corrupt Messages : 0
KLV Bitrate : 0
Source Address : ANY
Example #4: Configuration Information for Multiple Metadata Sources
Get the metadata configuration information for the encoder using the following command:
# metadata get all
Returns configuration information for three metadata sources: (1) serial port source configured for CoT (Makito X4 Rugged only), (2) HD-SDI source configured for KLV, and (3) network source configured for KLV:
Metadata ID : 0
Name : (None)
Type : Serial
Format : CoT
Status : STOPPED
Device : "/dev/ttyO0"
Standard : RS-232
Baud Rate : 115200
SPI Sensor Discovery : Off
SPI UID : (Any)
Max AirCraft-SPI Delta : 0 ms
CoT Relaying : Off
Number Of Relays : 0
Reclassification : Off
Classification : UNCLASSIFIED
Classifying Country : (None)
Object Country : (None)
Metadata ID : 1
Name : "HD-SDI-BNC-1"
Type : HD-SDI
Format : KLV
Status : STARTED
Reclassification : Off
Classification : UNCLASSIFIED
Classifying Country : (None)
Object Country : (None)
Metadata ID : 2
Name : "KLV/UDP"
Type : Network
Format : KLV
Status : STARTED
Address :
UDP Port : 20000
Reclassification : Off
Classification : UNCLASSIFIED
Classifying Country : (None)
Object Country : (None)
Example #5: Creating Additional HD-SDI Metadata Sources
To create an additional HD-SDI metadata source and use it in a stream:
# metadata create name="Half the KLV of first input" type=hdsdi # stream create addr= port=5678 vid=1 data=3 # stream 1 get |